Legal Information and FERPA


The contractual relationship between students and the university consists of promises made through catalogs, bulletins, and handbooks, as well as verbal agreements from administrators, instructors, and advisors. Courts look to past practices and traditions of an institution as well as an implied treatment of fairness when reviewing grievances.

Certain ideals should be applied toward ethical advising practices, including consideration for the well-being of students with regards to our own actions; doing no harm or minimizing harm caused by your actions; respect for others by treating them as rational, autonomous agents; and following through on promises made.


•         Seek to enhance the student’s learning whenever possible.

•         Treat students equitably

•         Enhance the students' ability to make autonomous decisions

•         Advocate for the student

•         Tell the truth

•         Respect confidentiality

•         Support Missouri S&T’s educational philosophy and policies

•         Maintain the credibility of the advising program

•         Accord colleagues with appropriate professional courtesy and respect


FERPA for Advisors

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment. Statute: 20 U.S.C. 1232g; Regulations: 34CFR Part 99. The intent of the Act is to protect the rights of students and to ensure the privacy and accuracy of education records. The Act applies to all institutions that are recipients of federal aid administered by the Secretary of Education.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act--Annual Notification

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Brochure

University of Missouri System Policy on Student Records

Sample Permission Letter to Write a Letter of Recommendation


Students can also update their privacy settings through Joe'SS .   Further information can be found on the registrar’s website for FERPA .