Advisee Responsibilities


  • Attend all scheduled advising appointments with your academic advisor.
  • Be prepared; write down questions and concerns that you may have.
  • Check your e-mail on a regular basis and respond to e-mails sent to you by your advisor.
  • Respond to Academic Alerts and follow the instructions. See your advisor as soon as you begin to experience academic problems.


  • Schedule a meeting with your academic advisor prior to Advising Week scheduling. Prepare for the meeting with your advisor by reviewing your degree requirements using your CAPS report available through Joe’SS.
  • Obtain approval from your advisor for special processing such as pass/fail or hearer status using forms provided on the web for this purpose.
  • During advising, your advisor will need to remove your registration advising hold. Your appointment time for registration will be available on Joe’SS.

Check Joe’SS for your scheduled priority registration time. Students can register through the second week of classes. However, students are encouraged to take advantage of Priority Registration.

How to register in Joe’SS: Download PDF

For further information on registration go to: View info


Intellectual Growth

The student will develop critical thinking and decision making skills. The student will develop an understanding of the degree program and institutional policies and procedures.

Personal and Educational Goals

The student will be able to articulate personal, educational and professional goals. The student will be able to apply these goals to the decision making process.

Realistic self-appraisal

Student will gain an understanding of his/her own academic abilities, skills and interests. Student will use information to manage the degree program, course load and curricular requirements. Student will learn to mitigate academic weaknesses, seek feedback from advisors and learn from past experiences.

Career Choices

Students develop a career plan based on interests, values, skills and abilities. Students are able to make connections between in-class and out-of-class experiences. Students develop knowledge through formal education, work experience, community service and volunteer experiences.


Students operate autonomously by seeking out information in a timely manner, correctly interpreting and applying institutional policies and procedures.

Effective Communication

Students communicate personal and academic strengths and weaknesses that may affect academic performance and progress. Students are able to address questions regarding degree plans, academic regulations and policies, curricular requirements, departmental requirements and resources.

Meaningful Interpersonal Relationships

Students develop relationships with academic advisors, faculty, staff members and fellow students. Students will engage in relationships in a meaningful way, considering other points of view and treating others with respect.

Social Responsibility and Ethics

Students understand and follow the codes of conduct of the institution, including academic integrity and norms and standards of the community. Students understand and participate in the relevant governance systems. Students should appropriately challenge unfair, unjust and uncivil conduct of other groups and individuals. Students participate in service and volunteer activities.


It is OKAY to change advisors if you are not getting the appropriate help and/or your needs are not being met. To do so, follow the proper course of action required by your department. That is usually one of the following two methods.

  1. Make the appointment to meet with the department chairperson to request a change of advisor and explain why. Complete the appropriate paperwork.

  2. Identify another faculty member in the department who you would like to have as your advisor. Make an appointment with that person and request that he or she accept you as an advisee. If he or she agrees, contact the department to request the change and complete the appropriate paperwork.